Report Reports/Safe & Lock
Safe & Lock
From August 9th, 2022 to August 16th, 2022
Completed Projects:
Archive/SL/KSL - Locksmith Blog Post Edits
Go through the 3 blog posts on the new locksmith page and fix any spelling/grammar/writing issues (do on staging)
Edit blog post - Evan
Edit blog post -\ Evan
Edit blog post - Evan
Archive/SL/KSL - Redesign and rewrite Commercial Locksmith page
Redesign Commercial Locksmith page
Review HSL's commercial locksmith page for template/services and make an outline of how we want content placed Evan August 16th, 2022
Design and write content for new hero banner Chris August 16th, 2022
Design and write content for "Our Services" sections Chris August 16th, 2022
Create new module to output top testimonials Chris August 16th, 2022
Integrate call-to-action Chris August 16th, 2022
Archive/SL/Create dedicated link for auto remotes
Add link to "auto remotes" to primary and mobile navigation bar
Create auto remote icon for main nav Chris August 16th, 2022
Insert into main header bar for desktop Chris August 16th, 2022
Dynamically output into mobile nav Chris August 16th, 2022
In-Progress Projects:
Archive/SL/KSL - AMSEC Gun Safe Adgroup
Moving AMSEC gun safe keywords into their own adgroup
Create new adgroup within gun safes campaign "AMSEC Gun Safes" Evan August 11th, 2022
Move all AMSEC Gun safe related keywords into AMSEC gun safe adgroup Evan August 11th, 2022
Write ads related to AMSEC gun safes Evan August 11th, 2022