Report Reports/SourceTech
From July 26th, 2022 to August 4th, 2022
Completed Projects:
Archive/ST/Implement Google Ads optimizations from account audit
Tasks based on Source-Tech PPC audit on 4/30/22
Remove lowercase "pe" from all ads Evan April 30th, 2022
Research why people would buy a server to identify pain points in the buying process Evan May 24th, 2022
Create responsive text ads based off of benefits of using Source-Tech Evan May 24th, 2022
Change sitelinks to anchor links so they don't redirect to different pages on the site Evan May 11th, 2022
Create experiment with broad keywords to gather more information about how people are searching Evan May 11th, 2022
change bidding strategy on all keywords in account to maximize clicks for entire account Evan April 30th, 2022
Create responsive search ads using the best performing headlines from expanded search ads over 3 years Evan May 13th, 2022
Create headlines advertising price of entry level servers (fully configured at x price) Evan May 13th, 2022
In-Progress Projects:
No Tasks completed.
Items to Review:
No Questions available.