• Evan

    • Safe & Lock

      • Review CallRail data for HSL and KSL Audit

        • Use built-in notes feature to mark good and bad examples to share with Derek DeSola by September 26th, 2022

      • Safe & Lock Locksmith Services (account restructure) - Keyword Research Project Planning

        • Overview

          • If you showed this to a client (or yourself in 12 months) would know what a "Complete overhaul" is? Language like that is perfectly appropriate for marketing items (ads, landing page copy, etc...), but for us internally, I want you thinking more like a data scientist. Something more fitting would be akin to "Identify our top-searched service-specific terms for Locksmith and create a dedicated campaign with ad groups that can better targets those specific searches." You do NOT have to use that if you don't want to. I'm just showing you it as an example.

          • Campaign restructure to actually show for all the specific services offered by HSL/KSL locksmiths

        • Reasoning

          • You focused your response here on "why this project makes sense". I agree with you, it does. But I also want you thinking about this: 1) why this over something else? Like we saw yesterday, sometimes a very simple change for an ad schedule could be a catalyst for a big client improvement and 2). How does this fit in with other projects we have ongoing for this and other clients

          • There is a decent volume (avg 3k/month) of service specific requests - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mAXkOaELcmjL9WwEXQViitLaaAfCyyaWzQSBsYpqd_g/editgid=1047281734

            • The current services campaign for KSL has 1.5k impressions over last 30 days (HSL has 6k, but that campaign isn't even setup to include services...lots of generic locksmith & key requests)

        • Expected Outcomes

          • Be specific here. If we're going for more leads, how many are we averaging and at what cost for a given time period currently? That gives us something to measure against.

          • More than 15 leads over the next 90 days @ less than $52 CPA

        • Milestones

          • This looks great!

          • Gather a list of al the different locksmith services KSL can offer and create adgroups for each

          • Keyword research all the different ways people are searching for these services

          • Add keywords to respective adgroups

          • Write hyper-focused ads for each adgroup

          • Ensure each ad is using all available extensions

          • Adjust budgets over time as needed

      • SL/KSL - Build Locksmith Services Campaign

  • Chris

    • For Client: AllParts Medical

      • Renew vapor-tech.net SSL cert Chris Vapor Technologies September 22nd, 2022 task

    • For Client: MarketHubb

    • For Client: TF Hudgins

      • Upload Herman Koon SSH keys to Condition Monitor backup server on Linode Chris TF Hudgins September 21st, 2022 task

    • AllParts Medical

      • Testing/Project - Query builder task list

        • Undone task from yesterday Chris October 13th, 2022

        • Another completed task from yesterday Evan September 21st, 2022

    • MarketHubb

      • Project Management Roam

        • Vargas

          1. Milestone projects

            1. SmartBlock to auto-create project templates

            2. Connect each with Parent attribute

          2. Project Status updates

            1. Dated

            2. Grab most recent for output on a query builder table

          3. Adding project tasks by reference

            1. Formatted such that the client will still appear in the query tables

            2. Auto-creation of query table for each new project that grabs all tasks referencing the project name

            3. Update SmartBlock/Client - Report to grab tasks done in this new format

        • Chris

          • Remove Notes and Questions sections from SmartBlock/Project template

            • All notes and questions should happen within DNP workflow

          • Update how tasks are added to projects

            • Tasks priority

    • Safe & Lock

      • For Client: Safe & Lock

        • Reach out to Derek regarding failed CC charge for September invoice Chris Safe & Lock September 27th, 2022 task

      • Pistol product categories (71 & 72) for gun safes need category descriptions and images before they can output. Come up with plan to address this.

    • Checkpoint Surgical

      • Apply news-list panel redesign to Clinical Resources Chris

      • Apply news-list panel redesign to Videos Chris

    • SourceTech

      • ST/Audit and optimize currently indexed pages

        • Here's the task.... Chris September 21st, 2022

        • URL's under /shop/pre-configured-servers/ are still being indexed

          • Duplicates that should be 301'd to new page

      • Report

        • Block threw an error while running: <%DEPLOYSITE%> Outputted new page at <%TAG:<%GE...

  • Beginner JavaScript Learnings

    • Module 3 - The Tricky Bits

      • window is a global object

        • Any global methods and variables will be available from window

        • // When defined outside of a function, all of these are "globally" scoped
              // Only var is attached to window object
          const first = "chris";
          let last = "hubbard";
          var age = 34;

      • Variables can be defined before a block, then referenced and assigned inside the block

        • // Declare a variable outside the block
              // Update inside the block
          let age;
          if (true) {
              age = 34;

      • var variables are not blocked scoped, they are function scoped

        • const and let are block scoped

        • // cool can be returned outside of the 'if' block
            // const and let variables would error
          function isCool(name) {
              if (name === 'chris') {
                  var cool = true;
              return cool;

      • Hoisting allows access of variables before they've been created

        • Functions & Variables are hoisted in Javascript