From March 2nd, 2022 to March 23rd, 2022
Completed Projects:
No Projects completed.
In-Progress Projects:
Archive/T2I/Create landing page and Google Ads campaign for Family trips to Italy
Find group-trip themed accent images for body content section Emily March 2nd, 2022
Find new hero banner image in Adobe Stock Emily March 2nd, 2022
Archive/T2I/Create Social Ads
Watch the Facebook Ad Tutorial and take notes Evan March 15th, 2022
Connect business page once Tommaso De Poi sends access email Evan March 15th, 2022
Items to Review:
T2I/Client Questions
Have we decided on a budget for our Social Media advertising yet? Our current ad is set up for a 30 day run with a $100 budget. September 22nd, 2022
Outputted new page at Reports/Trips2Italy/03-23-22 and deployed website.
Meeting Notes TF Hudgins
Client Feedback
Account Management
Action Items
Meeting Notes Genex Medical Transportation
Client Feedback
Target Demographic Customer Archive/GMT/Build website for Genex Medical Transportation
Website language needs to very simple
Very no fancy terms, nothing too technical
Target audience is private pay
Senior citizens
Action Items
Send Ioana Coman meeting recap notes and login links to customer server portal Chris March 24th, 2022