Safe & Lock
For Client: Safe & Lock
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Commercial Locksmith" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Mul T Lock" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Smart, Digital Locks" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Yale Locks" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Residential Locksmith" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Lockouts" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Write new RSA with an ad strength of average or better in "Rekeying" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
For Client: Safe & Lock
Add image extension to "yale" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Add image extension to "medeco" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Add image extension to "smart locks" adgroup Evan Safe & Lock task October 4th, 2022
Monthly Page Views
Feb -
March -
April -
May - 6,172
/product-category/ - 1390
/product/- 1,183
/ - 645
/safes/ - 547
/safes-for-sale - 470
/category-gun-safes - 458
/Safe-moving - 243
/lock-services/ - 242
/hot-deals/ - 221
/locksmith-services-houston - 121
Sept - 4,292
/Product-category/ - 847
/product/ - 782
/ - 613
/category-gun-safes - 320
/locksmith-services-houston - 208
/safes - 202
/safes-for-sale - 186
/lock-services/ - 146
/safe-moving - 117
/houston-locksmiths - 115
Houstons 1 gun safe shop (is gun safe shop the best Keyword for this page? I would think it's something like Gun Safes Houston, or Gun Safes in Houston)
Currently no title, so "safes for sale" is outputting on its own. Also no meta description
Professional Heavy Safe Movers - Is there a better keyword to target than this? (Also, this page might need to be redesigned)
Home & Office Fireproof Safes - I doubt this is how people are searching for home/office safes
For Client: SourceTech
Added keywords from search terms report - "dell emc poweredge r740" Evan SourceTech task October 4th, 2022
Added keywords from search terms report - "dell emc poweredge r640" Evan SourceTech task October 4th, 2022
Added keywords from search terms report - "poweredge r740" Evan SourceTech task October 4th, 2022
Safe & Lock
Audit HSL Dev Waiting
Revenue down $70,000 for September, 2022
No schema markup being used
No internal links to / from other redesigned parent locksmith pages
Content Mobile
Header CTA button
Label is "Get Pricing"
Does this make sense in the context of a locksmith lead?
Hero banner
Container takes up 818px of vertical height
No form CTA
Phone CTA lead is wrapping to a second line
Line-height of 20px causes text to look squished
Content sections
Inconsistent vertical spacing between parent sections and sub-sections
Section headings are outputting large (36px) with significant line-heigh
Scroll up icon takes up considerable screen real-estate
Legacy modal form markup still being used
New footer has minimal left-hand padding and excessive vertical padding
Links are small and hard to read
Difficult (impossible) to select a sub-nav item from primary navigation
Next Steps
Archive/SL/HSL - Optimize new Locksmith pages for mobile devices
Meeting Notes
Review Safe & Lock meeting notes Evan October 4th, 2022
Archive/SL/Create dedicating marketing for auto fob duplication
Add icon-based link in header of KSL site
Client Feedback
Per Derek DeSola, Business Performance at HSL was extremely bad in September:
"Last month was not good. Total sales down $70,000 compared to July and August"
HSL averages 12-16 Safe Moving jobs per week
Only 4 scheduled in total for this week
Only 1 locksmith job is scheduled for today
Google Ads
Derek DeSola agrees that it might be smart to decrease exposure to "near me" Locksmith terms if they're lower quality
Successfully deployed website! Outputted new page at Reports/Safe & Lock/10-04-22.